Thursday, May 19, 2011

I just can't keep this up.

You know, I try and I try but I always seem to run out of steam for this blog. I guess I even bore myself. I have been knitting so much I got a trigger finger and had an injection. I feel so much better now - but I have been crocheting instead of knitting to give my finger a chance to heal. I am slightly - ok maybe more than slightly tipsy from too much wine at dinner. I worked really hard and long in my garden and got drunk from wine when I came in. We are going to Charlotte tomorrow to see grandson #1 - Paw's favorite. I am not looking forward to it. I have been so passive for most of my life that I am finally starting to resent it. I would really rather stay here - I am quite happy knitting and reading and sleeping late and puttering in the garden. But there is graduation from preschool no less and our presence is required. Paw would never say no - in fact we are going a day early to catch his last t-ball game. I should be ashamed - not a proper granny attitude but I am so tired of doing what everybody else wants.
Oh and by the way - Republicans are morons. And anyone who votes Republican is too stupid to breathe.

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